How Much Does Polyjacking Cost?

How Much Does Polyjacking Cost?

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Understanding the cost implications of polyjacking is crucial for anyone considering this innovative concrete leveling and stabilization method. With its unique approach using a polyurethane mixture, polyjacking offers a modern alternative to traditional concrete repair techniques. This blog post aims to shed light on the key factors influencing polyjacking costs, providing a comprehensive overview of what to expect when opting for this service.

What is Polyjacking?

Before diving into costs, it’s essential to understand what polyjacking entails. Unlike traditional methods, polyjacking uses a polyurethane mixture that expands to lift and stabilize concrete slabs. This method is preferred when the concrete is still in good condition, helping to maintain its integrity for years to come.

Cost Factors in Polyjacking

The cost of polyjacking can vary depending on several factors. Let’s break these down to get a better understanding of what influences the price.

Minimum Charges and Area Coverage

Typically, there’s a minimum charge for polyjacking services. For instance, it might start around $1,400. This cost covers a certain area, and if your project exceeds this, additional charges will apply.

The Role of Poly Calculators

Professionals use a poly calculator to estimate costs accurately. By inputting measurements of the affected area, they can determine the amount of polyurethane needed for the job.

Smart Trailer Technology

Advanced polyjacking services utilize a Smart Trailer, which helps in monitoring the exact amount of polyurethane used. This precision ensures that you’re only paying for what’s necessary for your specific project.

The Polyjacking Process Explained

Understanding the polyjacking process can give you a clearer picture of what you’re paying for. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown.

Assessment of the Area

First, experts evaluate the concrete slab to determine the extent of settling or the size of the void underneath.

Drilling and Injection

Small holes, about the size of an index finger, are drilled into the concrete. Using a specialized gun with a dual-tube feeding system, polyurethane is injected through these holes. The material expands, filling the voids and lifting the slab to the desired level.

Precision and Integrity

The goal of polyjacking is not only to level the concrete but also to maintain its structural integrity. The precise injection process ensures minimal disruption to the existing slab.

Comparing Polyjacking with Traditional Methods

When considering polyjacking, it’s helpful to compare it with traditional concrete repair methods. Polyjacking is often more cost-effective in the long run, as it avoids the need for breaking and pouring new concrete. This method is less invasive and offers a quicker, cleaner solution with lasting results.

When to Choose Polyjacking

Opt for polyjacking when your concrete surfaces are still in good shape but need leveling or stabilization. It’s an excellent choice for preserving the existing concrete while correcting any unevenness or settling issues.

Conclusion: Is Polyjacking Right for You?

Deciding whether polyjacking is suitable for your needs comes down to assessing the condition of your concrete surfaces and understanding the cost benefits. While the initial investment might seem high, the long-term savings in maintenance and the preservation of your existing concrete can make it a worthwhile option.

If you’re considering polyjacking for your property, or if you have any questions about the process and costs, feel free to contact us. Our team of experts is here to guide you through the decision-making process and provide a tailored solution for your specific needs.

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